Priapus gay sex manga

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Priapus collects several of Itto’s short manga and doujinshi. But, I don’t actually know much about Itto beyond the fact that he seems to have garnered a global following Bruno Gmünder describes him as “one of the most exciting young voices in gay manga today.” Although the release of Priapus provided my first opportunity to read any of Itto’s manga, the creator does have a fairly strong presence online and so I was already somewhat familiar with his artwork and illustrations. However, unlike Tagame and Matsu, who both had examples of their work translated before being published by Bruno Gmünder, Priapus is Itto’s official English-language debut. With the publication of Priapus in 2015, Itto joined Gengoroh Tagame and Takeshi Matsu as one of the few creators of gay erotic manga to have had an entire collection of their work released in English. Although the publisher is based in Germany, so far all of the manga have been translated into English. Mentaiko Itto’s Priapus is the fifth volume to be released by Bruno Gmünder as part of its relatively new Gay Manga line.

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